1) International Erasmus IP Summer School “Preventive Archaeology. Evaluating sites and landscapes”, Ravenna-Civitalba 23 June – 4 July 2014.
2)International Erasmus IP Summer School “Preventive Archaeology: urban sites and landscapes. Methods and techniques for evaluating the archaeological value”, Ravenna-Senigallia 1-12 July 2013.
3) International Summer School “In profondità senza scavare”, Acquaviva Picena-Burnum, 28 maggio-9 giugno 2007.
4) International Summer School “In profondità senza scavare”, Ravenna-Marzabotto 5-15 giugno 2008.
5) International Summer School “In profondità senza scavare”, Ravenna-Suasa 1-12 luglio 2009.
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